Continuing to experiment with the liquid pencil on gesso'd paper....I might add that I only use 300# or 400# W/C paper...
Again I used the Derivan Liquid Pencil (sepia toned for the pines and blue toned for the sky area). Instead of watercolor, I went with gouache (yellow ochre, raw sienna, and naples yellow)...Threw in some cobalt blue watercolor to add some interest........This painting was done on gesso'd W/C paper....Just experimenting with technique.
In this painting I used the Derivan Liquid Pencil (yellow tint) for much of the pines. I found out rather quickly that the yellow appears as a shade of green....Why they call it yellow tinted instead of green tinted, I don't know. I also used Walnut Ink to fill in the green pines with brown dried and dying pines and also the grasses along the cliff.... The remainder was finished off in watercolor..
Last month I stopped along Rt 36 just east of Malad, Idaho and took some photos......This painting is from one of those photos....
Cache Valley...........Oct/Nov 2012
Somewhere northeast of Preston Idaho on my way back from Star Valley, Wyoming. As I was heading west on Rt 30 up near Soda Springs I came upon this scene …..Don't think my painting did the scene justice though. This painting was done last winter (early November time frame)
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
This painting was done with Derivan Liquid Pencil (sky and mountains). The foreground was watercolor and gouache.